Sunday, October 27, 2002

Ok, well the other day... I wrote a whole lot of touchy feely things here, and knowing my luck, the computer at work, messed up as i was trying to Post & Publish it. Oh
well... Well her I come to write again. I don't much to say, though. I am not doing so good. I'm not feeling well,and I'm getting nervous..and stuff about moving.

My car is still not fixed, I really haven't done anything. Big problem is money though. Not sure I have enough. And what happens if I have trouble getting an apartment.
I keep dreading that. I am going to have to live in a shitty litte apartment. And pay most of my money to daycare. My car will die, and I will be stuck again. I am so scared.
I just wish, that I had someone around to love and support me. I am beginning to hate my life here. I do know, though, that things will get better.

I have yet to call most my family and tell them I'm moving. I guess that I should do that tommorrow.

Well I dont have anything else to say that would be productive, so I will shut up now.

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