Sunday, February 25, 2007

Is my life my life... or what?

I don't know why I wrote tha title, but right now, I'm feeling rather down, and crappy. Its my own fault though.

First I'm wondering, should I of went of the meds. I don't have the support system I want. I feel lost this moment. Then again, I'm thinking, I'm just down, because I had alcohol last nite, and its a weekend, and I'm lonely. (weekends are the worst!!) So that could be it too. Then I feel sunk down, and deeply sad... and start letting things spin out of control, but then I try to pep talk myself up, and tell myself this is just temp. I'll wake up tomorrow, bright and early, and be soooo happy to go to work. Which I will be, but now, I'm getting nervous about starting the job I was first hired for.... I'm not sure I really want to go to it anymore. It will give me money, and stuff, so I guess i will survive... I'll feel better if that's all I got out of it.

I'm so tired of living here with my aunt. Its like, when I say, I'll give you some money, when I get my money... she's begging me for it. She doesn't need it today, and i wanted to get my money straight, before I wrote her a check...but to no avail, I am not straight with my money, and had to write her one anyway, I'm tired of the whining.

You could tell it was a long and stressful week for me. I was so grumpy with her last nite, but I hate when people try to ask you all kinds of questions when you are doing something and trying to get out the door. That pisses me off. I'm happy though, I got my E-Z Pass... that's fucked up, I'm happy about that, but it will save me from rolling my window down twice and stopping twice on the way to work...

I'm glad I went and saw Suffrajett last nite. I couldn't tell if my friends where enjoying or not, but I'm glad they came. The second band sucked though, and they didn't stick around. I think they thought they had to stay, but when I was too busy talking to Simi (the lead singer), they realized I'd be ok. They left... but I wasn't there too much longer. I didn't want to be tempted to drink anymore. I sometimes am an love with the inhibitions that alcohol gives me. I was really hoping Danny would call last nite, but then I'm glad he didn't. I might of said something that wasn't very nice. And I can get loud and unruly, and I'd rather not do anything to hurt our relationship.

I have been so lonely lately. I really need some physical affection, and want Danny to be here to give it to me. I'm a bit upset because I wanted to see him already, and didn't get to. I would of been more than happy to go out there, but since I didn't even know where he lived, I couldn't of done that either. He didn't want me there anyway... so it was a pointless cause. I gave up on the thought before my birthday. But it still makes me sad.

Well I really can't think about this right now, it brings me back to all the things I want to talk to him about and can't. The things that keep being put off, and it makes me ridiculously sad, and angry, so I'm going to go in my room, and try to relax to get my mind off the tears that keep forming in my eyes.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Every Day....

Is a winding road....

Feeling better today. Whatever better is....


It was a good day, I mean, how can it not be... I can drop a few hundred dollars... and not feel too guilty about it. Sure.. I guess I could of done something else with it, but I needed new shoes, and well the other things I got, I wanted. Ok, I do feel a little guilty, but oh well.

Talking with my baby today made me laugh.. even if I was and am still annoyed/mad about a few things. I know alot of it is beyond his control, and I'm trying to be understanding. I don't think he thinks I am though. I hate how I feel when I think he feels like he's done something to hurt me. He really is a good boyfriend. Its just, this isn't what I was expecting. Me and my high expectations, and always wanting more.

I realized today I was hurt about something he said. I've been obsessing over it, but whats new. I'm always obsessing over something. I told him I didn't have a life.. or something to that regards, and well, he said something to the effect... .... I guess next time I'll have to remember to find a girlfriend with a life. It hurt. I know when he reads this, he'll probably say something, and tell me he was joking. But, sometimes, even if he is joking its hard for me. I don't like thinking about that. Mostly because... A. he agreed.. with me that I didn't have a life.. and B. saying that implied that there would be a next girlfriend. So I guess thats why it hurt.

I had some thoughts on the future today. They weren't good nor bad. Just thoughts on what to do and where to go. I guess to start having that "life" and quit waiting for something different to happen. I'm still so frustrated.. about having to find a car. I really don't need a car right at this moment, but if I don't get one now, then down the road.. it will cause problems for me because I have no idea how long I will be living here with my aunt. So regardless of where I go, or where I live, I need my own car.

Its just so frustrating to love someone so much, and know that he loves you as well, and says he wants a future with you, but yet you are so far apart... and feel so alone, and don't really have a life together. Yet, you want that so much, because you feel it will make you both happy.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Right Now

I don't care how positive my attitude should be, or could be, or will be, but right now its not.

And know what. I don't care.

Right now, right at this very moment, in my head. I hate my life. I accept that I'm feeling that way. I accept that its my perception of things. I accept that things do suck sometimes.

But right now... I truely... HATE MY LIFE. Five minutes from now may be different. But that is that. And I'm ok with it. I'll work on changing it tommorrow.

There Will Be Days Like This....

There will be. I struggle thru them. Trying to hold back tears. Trying to hold back anger. Trying to sooth myself, without being needy. Trying to feel normal.

I realize I never will be. I have to accept that. I mean, I know that... but I really really have to accept it. But there are other things I don't have to accept.

Questions I have, that I want answered. I just realized I was really upset about it. I was too caught up in love, and in what I wanted, until I started asking questions, I didn't realize how upset I was about not getting answers. I don't like sitting around, waiting. Waiting for answers. If I ask a question.. or have a question. I want to get over it. I am very frustrated at this moment. I've been feeling this anxiety for over 24 hours...

It got worse, when I got the mail today. I'm so frustrated with my life. There are so many things, and I'm stressed about them. Despite how well, I really am coping... I feel like I'm failing again. I feel like I'm on the edge of losing it. I keep telling myself that tommorrow will be different.. well today is tommorrow.. and tommorrow is Sunday...

I feel too anxious to show up at the Silent Cafe. Something I so enjoyed. My sign language class. I couldn't take this semester because of money. It fucking sucks. I have to work, to have money. I want to go to school. If I go to school full time, right now, its pretty much all paid for (well I need to take loans for books), but by just taking one class I got fucked. Got to love it. I'll get alot of grants too, if I went next term, but I hate the school I was going to. I have to pay off all that so I can get my transcripts. I wasn't even thinking about that till now.

I'm going to stop writing, because I'm spiraling. I have to find something to get me off the spiral, and sitting here typing about it won't do.

I think I'll go cry.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I've been feeling better overall, but today, things just got to me. I'm tired of waiting for everything. I feel so stuck. I have too much going on in my head. Too much to put on a list. Too much to deal with. I'm functioning, but would rather be in bed.

Today, after I got off the phone with the lady from the assistance office, I just started bawling my eyes out, and I'm still not sure why. Maybe just because I'm not sure what to do. I feel stuck, and just want move on with my life.

Plus now, I have concerns for Darian on my chest. She wants to see her dad this summer. He hasn't even called her since November. Its sad, and sick. What the fuck is his problem. Why did I even let her see him in the first place. Why does he have to be her father. Why does she love him? I feel like he doesn't even care about her. Why would he not call her? Why? This makes me cry. Everything I've done wrong with her, makes me cry.

The little girl only wants a room of her own. She's barely had it in her 8 years of life. I want to give her that, I want to give her a room of her own, for all her things, to make her feel special. I can't even do that.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


I'm so sad. Then stupid me, I read some of the last posts. Then I can't stop the tears. I'm so lonely today. I'm lonely most days. I don't feel hopeless, but I feel less hope today.

I only get irritable with my aunt. I am tired of picking up after my daughter, she likes to spend time in my room, and then she gets everything every where. It pisses me off.

I want to just get out of this house, but have nowhere to go. Right now, I can't even just go for a ride, because my aunt is actually using her car.

I just broke my sisters picture frame that was on my desk, so now I have to go find the fucking vaccuum and get the glass vacuumed up so it doesn't get in anyones foot. Not that I have anything to worry about, I always wear my shoes. Isn't that sad.

Its sad, when one thing you wish to have, is a house, where you have to take your shoes off at the door. I've never been in a house, where I feel comfortable to do that. I want a house, where I can do that.

I want a place where I can feel like its my home. I've never had that. The closest I came, was taken away from me, when my uncle retired from the Navy and came home, and took over my grandmothers house. Now, its nothing like where I grew up. Its not the same. And now, I'm sad about it? what? why the fuck am I crying? Its just a house right? Why am I so sad about it?

Sometimes I hate being me.

Those Thoughts...

Ever have thoughts that you don't know where they come from... or why you are having them, but think they are a result of a realization of wanting to push away.

I'm so confused at this moment. Why do I have these thoughts? Why are these certain things bothering me. Things I don't even want to bring to light. Things that I don't want to mention, because it seems so petty, but yet strange.

I knew the pushing away running away would come, but why does it have to? I don't even want to deal with these feelings right now. I don't want to deal with being in love.

Maybe its because Valentines Day is coming.... or maybe because of my birthday.... maybe because I'm missing him. Maybe because I'm being impatient. Maybe because I have concerns that I never seem to address. Concerns of the future.

Right now, I just want to cry....

I hate feeling so alone.

Alone, confused, and misdirected.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Why do I do that. I can always seem to give good advice, but don't generally follow it???

I gave an answer on yahoo answers that really made me think.

It was in regards to marriages, and why they end. I truly believe I know why they end. I've seen it, I've heard it. I've read studies.

I've had a live in bf, well a few.... and I know how things get. If I had married him, would I of stayed? I say no, because it came to the point, for me, that instead of me.. being the one being abused... I became abusive. Verbally... I yelled and screamed. I'm sure I had no regards for his feelings. And then I became physically abusive. I hit him. Twice. Yes, I was feeling threatened at the time, and yes I was angry, but I still don't believe that it should of happened. He never laid a hand on me.

I say I would never divorce, but there are certain circumstances, in which I mite feel warranted. Abuse is the first. Whether is it physical, emotional, mental.. etc... No one should feel they have to stay in an abusive marriage. Although I don't find being abused a reason to cheat either.

There is no reason to cheat. I feel if one person in the marriage cheated, and the trust couldn't be reestablished, it could be warranted to get a divorce. I myself would find a way to communicate to my husband, once I found my eyes even straying towards another man. I've found myself tempted many times, and each time that I found another man being more appealing than the person I was with, i felt it was time to reevaluate the relationship. I didn't cheat to make myself feel happy. Some people could consider it cheating, although, when I feel the need to have an type of intimacy with another man I find a problem with that. I've gone as far as kissing another man, which is something I don't even feel allowable, but it gave me a wake up call. If that makes sense.

I'm big into monogamy. I'm too jealous to have it any other way. I can't fathom how people have open relationships.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this tonite. Partly because its something that's on my mind. Partly because of the question I answered. I question my current relationship, and I know I questioned past relationships... saying .. "what if this doesn't work out".... I don't like feeling that, but I like to prepare for the worst.

All I've ever wanted is a family. To me that includes a husband and a child. I have my child, and have searched for a husband. In all the wrong places, but I have looked. Sometimes I don't look, and just trip over someone, and realize shortly after I've decided to put my all into it. I find a problem that I just can't tolerate... and well... I'm too, I don't know, ashamed, embarrassed, or just lonely to tell the other person I'm in the relationship with. Or maybe I think they can change.. or they will want to change.... because they tell me they will change. Its not true though... and hasn't ever happened.... Well.. Until now.

So far, and I know I haven't spent much time with Danny thus far, so far, I haven't found anything wrong with him. I don't like that he works too much, and doesn't have time for me, but the thing with that is, I need time to work on myself. I need to be alone, and I need to learn to be ok with being alone. I need to stop feeling like I have to have someone to help me when I'm in a crisis, and I have to try to get thru it. I have to cope with it. The time we have together is usually awesome, to say the least. Even when I start off in a bad mood, things usually end up good. When I can actually get myself to communicate to him, he's usually very willing to listen and try to help me. He makes me laugh. He gets me thinking. He opens up my mind. He shows me love and affection. He really tries to be patient with me...

All this is scary. I think back to my ex's and how I found reasons to run away shortly after I met them, yet I would stay because I thought it could get better.

Only it didn't.