Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Found This...

This is funny. I just found this on another blog I wrote....
wow.. my life is sooo fucked up.

Monday, September 22, 2003

I think about writing a book, and I think I am greatly crazy. What do you think? It's ok "they" already know I'm crazy... and I am NOT talking about the FBI, CIA or the Aliens.
I'm currently almost engaged to my Romanian boyfriend, and wondering if I am doing the right thing, or if I am screwing up my life. C, is very sweet and I love him so much, but it is completely emotional. Is there anything wrong with that? Not really, better than being completely sexual. Know what I mean? So basically I think it is just my negativity in the way of my happiness.
My sister, A.. well her and her long time bf of almost three years just broke up. I think because he is wanting to be a kid again, and just realized he can't do that cuz they had a kid three (almost four) months ago. That is life, but my sister is pretty depressed, same as I am, but what is new?
Nothing on the home front, still living here, staying with CA, my gram... and hating it. I want my own place, but yet I don't. What do I do? Nothing, I just sit here and wait. I realized today, I only wanted to be here because of my sisters and brothers, and not it doesn't even make a difference to any of them. JC my brother is in a foster home, which is a good thing for him. S, my sister got a drinking underage Friday, and then was doing drugs yesterday.. WTF I say.. I am not helping them any. A is the only one I feel I am really helping, and she wants to take a bus with me back to KS, to get away from all this shit. She's just as fucking crazy as they are.
Well that is my life, as I know it today. SO be it.

Posted 9/22/2003 9:55 PM

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