Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Stupidity & Confusion

I hate men... or I think I do, or I do at least temporarily...
They confuse me. I always want something more, something no one can give me, not even myself. I feel stupid because of it.

I'm so confused about my actions lately. I'm so confused about CG,and some of the other guys I've been seeing.

I need help. I need someone to talk to. I had a good weekend, despite feeling sick, and being sick, and now its coming to a close, I have to face reality. And it sucks.


Anonymous said...

What about the guys you took out and liked you and wanted more and you pushed them away? who knows they could have given you way more then you wanted but now you will never know..to sum it up, it pays to go the extra mile during a test drive..lol good luck and sorry things are tough right now, it will get better. xoxoxo
just a passer by killing time during a midnight walk through the net...

Jae Ann said...

Not sure what to say, except whoever wrote this was right, to an extent. I should give guys more of a chance, but I'm more attracted to the bad boys, and they are the ones that intrigue me. I'm working on changing that. In fact, I have a new guy I'm talking to, and have hung out with, DDN we can call him, and he's sweet as hell, after our first meeting I was bein shallow, and have overcome that, and I had a wonderful day with him on Monday. Only it confuses me more, because I love CG, only he's a jerk.