Monday, June 05, 2006

My Life

Stressed out...

Crying about my car. Most of the night, since I got off of work. I don't know why its getting to me so bad today. I just want to stop crying.

I had a great day with my boyfriend yesterday... it was the most awesome thing in the world. Little by little I was falling for him, and yesterday... was so wonderful. I've got that head over heels love feeling in my heart. We've been together a month now, I can't believe that either.

I met his friends yesterday, that was good too.

My best friend just called, so I kind of am calming down. I'm just really upset that I got so upset, over a stupid fucking car.

I still can't figure out what to do.

I'll just listen to Chris, and what he says... "things will work out..." And they usually do.

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