Saturday, November 27, 2004

OH.. and another thing..

Forgot to mention, my thoughts on T. the other nite.. I was upset, depressed, and feeling a bit suicidal... he ended up calling, prolly cuz i was being an asshole.. but of course I got cheered up...
I asked him could I could over and tickle him. he said.. something like.. "Would you fuck me instead.. "

Well duh... of course you don't have to ask me twice. He's the only one I really want, the only one... I came four times, when we had phone sex, I think thats my new record. I want him to come over, so he can make me cum.. . in person.

I want him so damn bad, in so many ways.. but is it good for me? What are his intentions? What is he really wanting from me, and why?

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