Thursday, March 03, 2005

Missing Rocketmail TONITE....

Most people don't know what it is.. or care... but back in the day..
It was my first email address... And it is still with me today. It stuck. Unique.. loving... powerful- ME! Now its ran by yahoo, so my account is just like any other yahoo users, but.. its awesome the way things became the way they did. Why do I think about this? Cuz.. its yahoo's anniversary of their incorporation (I believe).. and its about this time.. when I was 16- 10 long years ago.. that I first got online. I remember it took me hours to chose my email name. I tried like a million... IT was fun.

Ran into this, Someone else that had Rocketmail mail, back in the olden days. I look back and think about how fucking lucky I am. I know people that are just learning what www is.. and some that.. still have no fucking clue.

Technology is a wonderful toy.... if only love was so wonderful, easy, and fun to explore with.

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