Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I hate dating...
wait.. I've hated it for a long ass time.

I want to find someone to settle down with.
I mostly want to post here, because "he" was right,
Right about alot of things.... and it hurts.

My life hurts more now than ever. My heart is so sad, that we are both so alone, yet have so much love to share with someone, but have not that person in our life to share it with.

I need something more in my life. I need some hope, some dreams. I need someone to love, who I know loves me.

One day I'm sure I'll find that, but until then..

I'll just masterbate, and hope for the best.

Oh.. duh. I came on to post about the date. I'm so superficial and petty. He has bad teeth. I can't deal with that. Thats not the whole thing, I didn't feel the "spark" he's sweet as hell though, just much more needy.... that I can tolerate.

The teeth thing..I can't deal with bad teeth, sure if your teeth are crooked, fine.. great. I don't care, but I can't deal with discolored, broken, chipped, black, or brown teeth... and I'm not sure how to get over being so petty... about it..

Any ideas anyone?


Anonymous said...

. and I'm not sure how to get over being so petty... about it..

Any ideas anyone?

Don't poor teeth are a sign of poor health. Crack addicts anyone?


Jae Ann said...

Uh... You always say that. Blah... I'm still trying to get over you. Any ideas on that one?

Sometimes I hate you, because I get so frustrated with you. (not really hate, but as close as I get).... But I'll always love you...

Can we talk sometime soon, I have something I want to talk to you about. I think.

Jae Ann said...

I was reading this.. post comment again.. (fun wow).. and on the bottom of my page the add is about Dental Veneers...
GREAT. I think its trying to tell me something.

Though, Its not always the persons fault that they have bad teeth, although... I wouldn't really know how that is...

*pearly white smile*