Friday, July 29, 2005


As the blade cuts across my skin...
A thin red line, becomes visible,
Its barely noticable, at first,
Its very very thin...

More blood comes out,
I slide it across my skin, again...
I feel the comfort it brings,
Calming, relaxing, what a shameful thing.

Guilt comes thru,
My blade again, cuts the skin..
Another line,
Another sin.

No, I haven't cut, but I came really close... Last nite, as I walked past one of the barrels in my house.. (one that Francis is shipping to Africa), I spot some new shaving blades, four to be exact, I pick one up, it looks clean, and i hang on to it, as I gather my things and go upstairs. I go in the bathroom, thinking of the relief this will give me. I clean the blade and go up to my room. I sit it on the table as I boot up my computer and sit down to relax. I try not to look at the blade, as I go about my email, and my chatting. I think about CG, and the pain I feel about all this. I think about how alone I am. I think about being a bad mother. I think about all my problems and all my faults. I cry. I think about the blade, I resist the tempation, and distract myself with my hot or not account. Cute men, always emailing me. Always looking for sex or fun. I have hopes that, one will, tickle my fancy, and be looking for a serious relationship or a meaningful friendship. I'm looking for someone to give me attention. Attention, I've never really had. It all sucks. I'm so frustrated... and hate that I'm so fucked up.


Anonymous said...


Just do it...NOW.

Jae Ann said...

Who wrote this?

Anonymous said...


Jae Ann said...

Thanks hun....
So when you gonna come visit me? I could use the company of a friend, I'm going crazy....