Monday, May 02, 2005


I'm smitten. I just started talking to him last week, but its been delightful. I'm able to share with him. He's making an effort, he's coming to see me... he's taking me out. He calls... (but like most typical men.. haha) He's looking for a relationship. He has children, so he understands the whole single parent thing. He has a decent job... he loves animals..

I'm looking very forward to our date. Very excited. Things have been doing alot better since I saw the doc, and got started on some new meds, that hopefully won't effect my sex drive. They've helped my mood swings though. My new therapist is delightful as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Do not....
under any circumstances ...
run from this...

Let the guy screw it up for a change, y'know.
