Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Men Suck..

And most people I know agree.
Even men I know.

My other problem is.... I think my daughter's father wants to get back together with me. I don't understand or know how I even feel about this. Its been about 8 years since I kissed him. And about 3 years since I even seen him last, and that was when I saw him and his wife. Weird.

Well.. I'm more frustrated because I have many many men that love me. Ok.. so a few that just lust after me, a few that think I'm a fox in bed, and a few that adore me, but noone can tolerate me... noone can be loyal to me. I'm quite tired of it. Quite tired of being alone. Quite tired of men that can't commit, to even a gf/bf relationship. I'm not asking for marriage, although I won't lie, overall I do want a husband.

Ah well, Life goes on... I continue to breathe.. (well even.. lately- no allergy problems)... and my ability to cope is getting better...

Although sometimes, the bridge seems to be the option, but I put that out of my head.
Almost finished with my Harry Potter book, anyone have any ideas, on what to read next? I could use some input.

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