Sunday, September 05, 2004

What a weekend....

So much to say, so much thinking going on in my head. Mostly about T. I met him this weekend, it was like wow. I'm tired, so I'm not saying much today, but was at one of my favourite sites just now, and be sure to enter this sweepstakes, Are you Registered to VOTE?

Thanks all. Its helps so much to be positive, and my mood for the most part has been. It helps things flow more smoothly. I have a busy week, so not sure how much I will write here. Working all week, and have Saturday off, and have a job interview, SO EXCITED, on Tuesday... So wish me luck!!

Also check this out... if you are a hotornot member.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love is a choice not an emotion. Choose and be at peace. It isn't fair to either men, or yourself. Nobody ever said love was easy, and to expect that is a fallacy. Infatuation is easy. Love takes work. Make your choice.