Tuesday, October 19, 2004

My Communication Style - Tickle Tests

Julie, when talking to your partner, you're Expressive.

This means that you tend to be a passionate partner who isn't at all shy about communicating what you're thinking and feeling to your significant other. It can be very important to you that your partner both hears your perspectives and understands where you're coming from. As a result, in your mind it's often best to talk about problems immediately, even if that discussion leads to a heated discussion. That's the fiery passion in you. Your convictions are important to you and you're willing to defend them fervently if need be.

Experts agree that for a couple to thrive, they must be able to communicate. People with compatible communication styles tend to bring out the best in one another because their approach to relationships is like-minded. But if you're with someone whose communication style clashes with yours, you're headed for more challenges than most.

Who will you get along best with for the long run? How can you avoid the communication pitfalls that everyone experiences, and how can you improve your communication so you and your partner can have a happier, healthier relationship?

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