Saturday, October 30, 2004

Tickle Marriage

I got an email today, to ask me to sign up for Tickle Marriage. I can't say I'm looking for someone ( I can't get over T.) but I figured what the hell. Besides, I had a really bad dream last nite, about me and T. and the more I think about it, the more I feel it may just be a game to him. In the dream, he crushed my heart, just like he's doing now.

But anyway.. about Tickle Marriage.. its given me some insight already...

READ ON: (from

The majority of the people you meet in your lifetime would not make good marriage partners for you. That's why using Tickle Marriage is the most important step you can take towards finding your ideal partner. The questions you answered in the Personality Portrait assessment are based on more than 20 years of research into what makes for a successful, long-term relationship. Your responses to our Personality Portrait questions helped us measure 56 dimensions of your personality, and that of your ideal partner.
To understand more specifically how you can build the foundation of a happy long-term relationship, we've organized your results into four areas:

About You and Your Ideal Partner
Your Communication Style
What Type of Relationship is Right for You?
What Do You Want Out of Marriage

You are one of 71% of respondents who believe that everyone has a soul mate.

Let's review what these scientifically valid dimensions tell us about you and the type of person the research suggests is your ideal partner. The results may surprise you. Remember, we're not just looking for someone who shares your taste in music and movies; we're looking for the person you can happily spend the rest of your life with.

*You enjoy being successful and love being around people who share your taste for the finer things in life.
*You'd be most happy with a partner who, like you, is motivated to move up in the world.
*A partner who shares your life goals – financial and otherwise – will understand where your coming from and make it easier for you to attain your goals.
*You, more than others, need to be confident that in times of need, your partner will be there for you to help you through
*You probably prefer stable relationships that offer you some degree of predictability.
*It's important to you to have your marriage formally recognized – by the government, a religious or spiritual institution.

(I find these all to be true)

About You and Your Ideal Partner
Understanding your core personality is an important step in knowing how you relate to the world and those around you. If you understand which characteristics define you as an individual, it will make it easier to identify important characteristics in a prospective partner. In completing your Personality Portrait you also told us about which traits you would like, and dislike, in a marriage partner. You may find these traits to be different from those of past relationships. Don't be surprised if your ideal partner sounds a lot like you. Research has shown that people are more likely to be happy with spouses who share personality traits with them.

You are one of 58% of respondents who like unpredictable situations
Here's what you told us about your personality and your ideal partner:

*You enjoy being successful and love being around people who share your taste for the finer things in life.
*You'd be most happy with a partner who, like you, is motivated to move up in the world.
*A partner who shares your life goals – financial and otherwise – will understand where you're coming from and make it easier for you to attain your goals.
*You're conscientious, and people probably see you as a confident and dependable friend.
*You'll be happiest if your partner is similarly confident and dependable.
*You want your partner to share your commitment to making your marriage work.
*You project an energy and enthusiasm that makes it easy for people to connect with you.
*You're curious and open-minded – traits that attract people to you.
*You may have a hard time filtering out who's best for you because you get excited to meet all types.
*It's easy for you to meet and make new friends.
*To find the right partner, you need to remember you're looking not for just another friend, but for the person you spend the rest of your life with.
*You will need to keep yourself in check – making sure you wait for the right person who really suits you, not just the first person who comes along.
*You'd most likely thrive in a marriage that allows you to have an intimate relationship with someone who understands you also want to pursue individual interests, too.
*Even when you're in a loving, committed, relationship, you still crave time to follow your own hobbies and goals.
*You will be happiest if you hold out for someone who can offer you the emotional closeness you desire as well as the understanding that you sometimes will want to go off and do your own thing.
*You want your partner to be an extremely passionate person with an active sex drive.

Your Communication Style

Research indicates that communication is one of the most important components of a healthy, long-term relationship. Because people have different approaches to communication, you will find that some people are easier for you to get along with than others. To increase the chances of a successful relationship, we will introduce you to people we already know will be compatible with you in this regard.


You are one of 69% of respondents who want a relationship where there are no secrets between partners.

Here's what we learned about your communication style:

*You're comfortable talking about just about any topic.
*Whether you're just getting to know someone, or are considering a long-term relationship with them, you want to feel like you're becoming true friends.
*You, more than others, need to be confident that in times of need, your partner will be there for you to help you through.
*You like to check in with your partner from time to time – just to make sure things are still on track and in good shape.
*Some people might be wary of the high level of interaction you desire.
*You might not be happy with potential partners who blow things out of proportion, or avoid your questions.

What Kind of Relationship is Right For You?

Relationships, like people, are different. Some people want to spend most of their time with their partner, while others need lots of time to themselves with only occasional together time. Your relationships will be more successful if you and your partner share a similar relationship style.


You are one of 59% of respondents who believe that spending lots of time together is essential to the success of a relationship.

Here's what we learned about the type of relationship that's right for you:

*You probably prefer stable relationships that offer you some degree of predictability.
*You're a fairly sensitive person.
*You feel best when surrounded by calm people and places

What Do You Want Out of Marriage?

You should make sure that what you're looking for in a marriage is what your potential partners are looking for as well. Getting clear on your goals up front in a relationship will save you valuable time and energy.


You are one of 46% of respondents who want to have children in the future.

Your responses indicate the following feelings and attitudes towards marriage:

*It's important to you to have your marriage formally recognized – by the government, a religious or spiritual institution.
*You want to have a monogamous marriage.
*Whether or not religion is currently and important part of your life, you don't feel you have to share religious beliefs with your partner.
*You would like to own a home with your partner.
*Raising children is something you're looking forward to with your partner.
*You don't necessarily feel your partner and you need to share professional interests in order to be happy.

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